Student Packages

Interest & Career Exploration Package

This package may include any of the following:

  • Initiating deliberate discussion around interests and dispositions through Corsava® sorting cards.
  • Exploring college and career paths and personalizing instruction geared towards good decision making throughout high school, based on results of YouScience assessment (license good for 10 years).
  • Evaluating and discussing College Match Assessments.
  • Preliminary College research guidance.
  • Academic and extracurricular planning, evaluation, and goal-setting.
  • Clarifying the confusion around financial aid and helping find the resources to make your goals attainable.
  • Establishing your own account on College Planner Pro, a web-based program that posts deadlines, checklists, articles and resources, and allows you to track all the pieces of your application process.
  • 4-10 meetings, depending on the extensiveness of the package, and what stage of high school you begin the process.
  • Establishing easy and accessible communication with me for family and student via text, e-mail and phone calls to keep momentum going and ensure the alleviation of stress.

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